“Jean Dubuis was born April 29th, 1919 in Vauciennes (Oise county of France) [d. April 6th, 2010]. At an early age he began to question the place that Man occupies in the midst of the Universe. Relentlessly he looked for ways to understand the laws that structure these two worlds – Microcosm and Macrocosm – and the mechanisms that animate them.
He is an inexhaustible searcher schooled with a scientific background. He possesses a terrific sense of humor. He generously brought to the general public the findings of his work through conferences, lectures, writings and practical lessons on the practice of Alchemy, Qabala, and Esotericism, which combined the science and philosophy of those arts.
His goal and intentions remain constant: to allow the individual to become a Knower and free himself from all domination that keeps his spirit in bondage. He has always strived to offer a method of personal initiation without relying on a master or guru. This allows all men and women who have this desire to obtain the balance between material and spiritual, keys to the inner worlds one has to tread.In this tradition of freedom, Jean Dubuis offers here a method of work that is once more based on the intelligence of the spirit and on the intelligence of the heart.
As in his earlier written lessons published through the former non-profit organization “The Philosophers of Nature,” Jean Dubuis wanted this work to be available to all those that wish to study and work in the difficult field of esotericism. In view of this, he relinquished his intellectual property and has allowed the publisher to disseminate this treatise by all available means.
Consequently this treatise is free of rights. It still remains bound by the copyright laws. It can be freely duplicated in electronic or hard copy provided it will not be used for profit (sale, conferences, seminars and paying lessons …) Neither can it be modified in any way shape or form, under penalty of legal pursuits. Furthermore, the copies will explicitly bear the name of the author.” – Triad Publishing, 2007